Monday, July 20, 2009

Mid-year's resolutions

Alright, so it's the middle of July, but like they say, there's no time like the present. My list of goals (mid-year resolutions, if you will) the I aim to have completed at least some of them by the end of the year. 1.Finish my Paradise Kids story. The Paradise Kids book is a project started by Hannah and Luke, of and they've asked me to write a story for their latest fund raising project, a book written by children who've lived through some pretty tough shit. Check out their website, help raise money for the Hopewell Hospice and Paradise Kids, my local counseling center! 2. Get a job! 3. Learn not to be afraid of spending money. I've sort of had this programmed fear of spending money on myself. I'm determined to conquer it. 4. Get my learner's. Possibly P's, depending on time. 5. Stand up for myself. This is a biggie because I used to let myself get pushed around a lot. I've been working on being more assertive, but I've yet to put it into practice. 6. Establish my personal style. Been working on it for a while, lots of different elements that will take skill to combine. 7. Talk to my counselor/shrink more often. No explanation needed, surely. 8. Legally change my name. This is something that I've wanted to do since I was a wee tot. I've been through hell trying to find a name that "fits" me, and I've been putting off signing anything until I was sure. Now, I'm sure, and given the amount of paperwork I've been bombarded with since turning 16, Now would be the perfect time to do this, before I have any other red tape to deal with. 9. Go back to work for Sam. Sam was a woman I did work experience for last year, though I was so far in my shell that I barely talked at all and spent 3 or 4 days of the actual work experience time hiding in my bed. Now that I'm not so pathetic, I want to go back to work, albeit unpaid, for her, and do a better job! (Side note: I think this is the first time in ages I've actually wanted to make someone proud of me...) 10. Go back to school. The last three years have been a mess, and during that time I've had to repeat grade 10. Three times. This was largely due to the fact that my only pillar of support was crumbling underneath me, and I was to afraid to face the reality of it all, so I just metaphorically curled up in a ball with my eyes shut. I missed out on a lot, and I was younger than my classmates, so I'm not really that far behind. This also has a lot to do with #11. 11. Tell the truth. No more bottling up emotions until I want to blast someone with a 12-gauge shotgun. 12. Revisit Laidley. A wretched cesspool of delinquency and misery. This was one of the places my mother moved us too during her three year long alcohol binge. there was something about the place that made me terrified to look outside, lest I be confronted with the realities of living in a town of uninspired beings. I've always promised myself I'd go back and show it that I wasn't afraid...or something like that. This one ties in with #9, since Sam lives and works in Laidley. 13. Get back in touch with old friends. Another thing that I fucked up and am angry at myself about. Again, it was because of that horrible black cloud. 14. Make new friends. See #10. 15. Join a club. I've never been in one (unless you count Computer Gym when I was 4) 16. Commit an act of silly teenage rebellion. I'm thinking...candy-apple red hair. Maybe a piercing? 17. Sing in public. I'm a good singer, and I know it. I love to sing, but I care far to much about what others think. I'm going to change that. 18. Sew something I'm proud of. A simple sundress or something. 19. See a symphony/ballet/opera or similar. Big fan, but I've never actually seen one outside of a television screen. 20. See Alice Cooper in concert!! He is my personal savior. His music and imagery helped me see a side of myself that I had previously been taught to ignore. Every yearning for self-improvement, every desire to try something new, everything that I've changed in my life was inspired by him. He's doing a show in Brisbane in August, it's a brand new show, new storyline and everything, and I am *definitely* going to be there to see it. 21. Go to an art gallery. And enjoy it. 23. Busk in the street. Some sort of street performance anyway. 24. Seduce an older man. This may seem like an odd one, since I've absolutely no experience whatsoever with the opposite sex, but it's something I've always wanted to do. 25. Finish grade 11. See #10. 26. Reach out to the strangers who inspire me. These include, but are not limited to: Alice Cooper, Emilie Autumn, Marilyn Manson, Amanda Palmer, Destroyx and Z00g, Gala Darling, Doe Deere...aaaaaaaaand anyone else I can think of. 27. Cook a whole meal and eat it with dear friends. At least an entree, main and dessert. 28. Have a memory-worthy Christmas. No fights, no religious clashes, plenty of photos and funny hats. 29. Have more people know me by one of the names I've picked for myself. My birth name is hereby reserved for those closest to me only. If you haven't seen me naked, you're not allowed to know what it is. (It should be noted that seeing me naked isn't the only prerequisite needed, nor is it absolutely necessary) Either Remarkable Prettybones or Tabitha, thank you very much. 30. Have a Sweet 17. May or may not tie in with #29. Last year, my 16th, was the only time I've chosen to celebrate my birthday, due to misguided religious piety. Long story short, Mum got stone drunk and we ended up stranded in Robina, no trains or buses (no car, due to previous nights spent intoxicated in a vile stupor) with her screaming at me that it was my fault. I spoke up for the first time, though it didn't make a difference) I'm going to throw a picnic or something, and Mum isn't invited, so there. 32. Get to know the owner of a vintage record shop. And in the process expand my musical knowledge. 33. Hire violin/piano teacher. I've been playing violin for about six months now, and I've gotten as far as I can on my own. I also want to take up piano, but given how frustrating it has been learning violin without a pro there to answer questions, I don't want to go it alone. 34. Learn to play guitar. Dunno if I'll need help with this one. 35. Start a blog. Done! Now if I can just figure out how to do that strike-through thingy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tabitha, Good to know youve got a plan. I wish you all the best in meeting your goals, and if their is anything I can do to help out don't be afraid to ask. I don't know about having to conqure laidley (it sounds like to much effort for to little gain) but I hope that I can show you that not everyone from laidley is as bright as a 60 w bulb in a very large room.

    Yours with sincerity

    Master Merlin
    A really Clever guy :P
